
How to Install an OptConnect Cellular Device on a Byte Store

Step by step instructions on how to install an OptConnect Cellular Device.

Carolina Villatoro
Updated by Carolina Villatoro

Ethernet setup and networking requirements

Connecting your Byte store to ethernet connectivity is simple, fast, and easy. This article goes over and how and the network requirements.


Transactions made while store is offline

If connectivity is lost for a period of time, Byte stores are still able to operate in what we call Offline Mode.


How do I get a store back online?

If the store is in offline mode, then the store is not connected to the internet and commands will not work from the Dashboard. The store is not connected to the Internet.


Code 400C

Code 400C means No Identity + Card reader not found: The store is having trouble verifying its serial number or KID while also having trouble connecting to the card reader.

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm

Code 600

Code 600 means RFID reader + RFID tags not found: The store cannot find its RFID scanners, nor can it find products and temperature tags.

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm

Code C

Code C means No Identity: The store is having trouble verifying its serial number or KID

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm

Code E

Code E means No Identity + No Internet: The store is having trouble verifying its serial number or KID while also experiencing connectivity issue

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm

No IP / Red or Yellow Border

No IP / Red or Yellow Border means there is no connection.

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm

Code 200

Code 200 means RFID reader not found: The store cannot find its RFID scanners.

Isabella Gumm
Updated by Isabella Gumm
