Products > Inventory

Carolina Villatoro Updated by Carolina Villatoro

Byte Technology stores allow you to see inventory levels in real-time for specific products. This information is incredibly useful and can be used in a few ways:

  • Confirm how widely a SKU is distributed across your Byte fleet
  • Identify any stocking anomalies
  • Quickly react to product recalls, when necessary

To see where a specific product is in inventory, navigate to Products > select the product SKU you wish to view >  Inventory.

This is where you'll see all the Byte stores where the product is currently in stock, as well as the current inventory level. 

If you have more than one Byte store you will see each Byte store's inventory. Information includes: 

  • Store: the Byte store where the SKU is in stock
  • Count: the unit count showing in the inventory

You have the ability to export this data to show where this product is across your Byte fleet. 


 Please check out our inventory FAQs if you have any questions regarding your inventory.

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