
Isabella Gumm Updated by Isabella Gumm

Alerts allow you to be notified by email when issues arise with your Byte Technology stores. There are several types of alerts that can be set up:

  • Store Offline: The Byte store is unable to connect to the server or internet for more than 40 minutes.
  • RFID Error: The Byte store cannot connect to one or more RFID antennae, once there has been 30+ minutes of no RFID signal.  
  • Over Temperature: The Byte store's temperature has been above +42F for more than 3 hours.
  • NAMA Lockdown: The Byte store has automatically locked down due to being out of a NAMA-compliant temperature range (+42F) for more than 30 minutes.

How to set up alerts:

  1. Click on Alerts under the Settings tab
  2. Click +Add to add a new Alert
  3. Select the following:
  • The type of alert(s) to be set up
  • What stores to receive alerts for
  • What users should be receiving these alerts

  1. Click +Add and you're done! It's that easy.

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