How to Bulk Import Products

Isabella Gumm Updated by Isabella Gumm

Efficiently managing your online store is crucial for success. One key way to save time and reduce errors is to bulk import products to your Byte Technology dashboard. This process helps you quickly add large quantities of products, making your inventory management smoother and more efficient.

This guide will show you the steps to import bulk products, from preparing your product data to uploading it to your Byte dashboard.

How to Import Bulk Products Using Excel

  1. Navigate to the Products tab
  2. Click on the + Add icon
  3. Click on Bulk Import Products
  4. Click on Download Template. This template will download an XLSX file and is key to successfully bulk importing products.
  1. Enter the expected quantity of products you plan to import. It is recommend to do a number higher than the amount you need.
  1. Open the downloaded XLSX template file
  1. Fill out the form. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields and must be completed. Do not rearrange or rename any of the header fields in Row 1.
It is recommended to put in tag type as this will help when ordering tags for products. You wouldn't want someone ordering a regular tag for a bottle of water!
  1. Once your product list is complete and you have saved it to your computer, return to the Byte Dashboard and click the +Add button again.
  2. Click Bulk Import Products
  1. Click Upload
  2. If you have access to multiple campuses in the Dashboard, you will see an option to choose which campus you want to upload the products to. This feature is very helpful if you have multiple campuses you need to import the products to. Select the campuses to which you wish to import the list of products. If you have a single campus, the window will autoselect your campus.
  1. Select Choose File and select the product list you just saved.
  2. Click Upload

Your new products will be loaded into the Dashboard. That's it! This article broke down how to download, fill out, and upload your product list to the Byte Dashboard.

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How to repurpose tags

Products Overview
