Stores that Need Attention

The Stores that need attention report on the Summary page provides a list of any stores that are not online, are reporting over temperature, or are not able to connect to the RFID antennae.


Health status:

Below are definitions for each health status you may see in this view:

  • Offline: The Byte store is not connected via cellular or ethernet and is not able to communicate with our backend.
  • RFID Error: The Byte store cannot connect to one or more RFID antennae.
  • Too Warm: The Byte store is out of temperature range (>41 degrees for more than 30 mins).
  • Rebooting: The Byte store is starting up. You may see RFID error on the Status tab. This is normal and will disappear in 10 minutes.


How to troubleshoot a store with issues:


  1. If using cellular, make sure the OptConnect is plugged in. If using Ethernet, make sure the connection is live.
  2. Power cycle the store by unplugging both power cables for 5 seconds.
  3. If the store is still not reporting online after 10 minutes, continue with advanced troubleshooting tips here.
  4. Reach out to if you're not successful in getting your Byte store back online.

RFID Error:

  1. This type of error is typically seen right after a store reboots itself. The store needs time to reboot and reconnect to all RFID antennae. Wait 10 minutes to allow the store to fully reboot.
  2. If after 10 minutes you are still seeing this error, power cycle the store by unplugging both power cables for 5 seconds or send a remote reboot command.

Too Warm: 

  1. Review recent transactions. The store will warm up if there are frequent transactions during a short period of time. This is due to customers opening and closing the door in a short sequence. If this is the case, simply give the store time to cool down on its own.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Status page. Your Byte store sends a temperature update on every heartbeat, which is every 10 minutes. From the Status page, you can review the temperature history.
  3. If the fridge is still unable to cool itself down to the normal temperature range, reach out to

If you see an error code, please click HERE for more troubleshooting tips. Please note it is best to be at the store.



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