Tagging soups or yogurts

Soups, yogurts, parfaits, and puddings are all liquid-heavy products. They must be tagged properly for maximum readability. In general, yogurts use a metal-safe tag and soups a microwave-safe tag; however, always follow best practices:

  • If the tag has the potential to be microwaved, use a Microwave Safe Tag
  • If the tag will be placed directly on metal, use a Metal Flag Tag
  • If the tag will be placed on a non-metal drink, use a Drink Flag Tag


Because most yogurts use a foil lid, it's generally recommended to use a Metal flag tag. 


Because most soups are dense liquid filled to the top, it's recommended to use a Metal flag tag. 

If the soup container is going to be microwaved to eat - it is best to use a Microwave Safe Tag (example below). Wrap the long tag around the lid or the container where there is an air gap from the liquid to the tag. 



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Tagging snacks or soft packaging

Tagging salads & hard packaging
