Stores > Status

A great feature of the Byte Technology dashboard is the ability to monitor your Byte store's health remotely without making a physical visit to the Byte store. 

 Byte Stores' Health Status

You can see under the Stores tab a quick glance for how your fleet of Byte stores are doing: 



Different Health Statuses you will see from this view:

Offline: The Byte store cannot reach a remote server

RFID Error: The Byte store cannot find any RFID hardware or any product or temperature tags

RFID Error is normal upon start-up. This should change after 10 minutes.

Too Warm: The Byte store is out of temperature range when the temperature reading comes in above 41 degrees for more than 30 minutes - or 3 consecutive heartbeats. 

Archived: The Byte store has been archived and is not connected to the remote server

Online: The Byte store is connected to a remote server 

Multiple Issues: The Byte store is experiencing one or more of the statuses above

How to troubleshoot and correct a health status:

Offline: Power cycle (physically reboot the Byte store by unplugging the power cables for 5 seconds)

RFID Error: Power cycle (physically reboot the Byte store by unplugging the power cables for 5 seconds)

Too Warm: Power cycle (physically reboot the Byte store by unplugging the power cables for 5 seconds)


You have the ability to check the status and health of the Byte Technology Store remotely. Each Byte store checks in with the server every 10 minutes. The Status page shows you what the Byte store has reported back to the server during the last check-in. To navigate to this section, click Stores > Select Store > Status.



In this section, you will see a few reported fields:

Store Temp ˚F: the reported temperature of the Byte store

OOS Code: the out-of-order service code reporting back from the Byte store. This can also be found on the menu screen when in this state. 

RFID 1 ~ 8: Count of the total number of unique tag reads per antenna. In Dragonfruit models, there are eight (8) total antennas with two (2) located above each shelf. If this number is between 0-100, the antennas are not reading properly. Numbers in the higher thousands indicate a strong reading. 

Locked Down: LOCKED value shows your Byte store is in Lockdown mode. "Unlocked" indicates that the Byte store is able to take a transaction. 

IP: the IP address of the cell or ethernet connection

Time: the timestamp of the check-in, or "heartbeat"

Export Byte store status data

Data from the Status page is accessible and available for export up to the last 14 days. If you need older data, simply reach out to the Byte Technology support team.  

To export:

  1. Select Stores tab on the left-hand navigation panel
  2. Select which Byte store you wish to view
  3. Click the Status tab on the top bar
  4. Click
  5. CSV file will automatically start to download (Tip: If not downloading, be sure to turn pop-up blocker off

Not seeing Byte store status updates?

If a Byte store has lost internet or cell signal, then it is unable to report back to our server. However, Byte Technology stores are built to allow consumers to transact for up to 3 days without connectivity in what we call "Offline Mode."


Are you seeing an Out of Service message or code on your store menu screen?

We have a troubleshooting guide for error messages HERE. Report an issue using out the technical support; a member of support will be in touch within 1 business day. 

How did we do?

Stores Tab Overview

Stores > Technical
