Feedback section overview

Honest feedback from your customers is central to the success of any business. Byte Technology's platform offers an easy, user-friendly way for customers to leave comments and suggestions.

When customers enter an email address to get a receipt, they can also leave feedback in several ways. First, they can rate their overall purchase using a 5-star system (below):


After the customer posts a rating, they may post more specific ratings. The additional ratings measure Taste, Freshness, Variety, and Value, as well as the ability to write in their own comments.


Dashboard users with View and/or Edit access to the Feedback section of the Byte Dashboard, can view in live time feedback provided by the customer. The Feedback section is located in the left-hand navigation panel. 


Feedback navigation offers several options for filtering information:

  • By Time Range
  • By Stores
  • By Products

Export Feedback to a CSV:

The CSV file allows you to analyze the data in a spreadsheet, this can help you be proactive with customer service and fix errors. 


 How do you incentivize Feedback?

Not every customer will leave feedback. An easy to gather more feedback is to incentivize the customer by offering a coupon code. When you customize your receipt, you can share this incentive directly on the receipt. They will see if they leave a review, you will send them a discount for their next purchase.


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