Summary Page Overview

The Summary tab gives you a high-level overview of how your fleet of Byte stores is performing in real-time by displaying sales, spoilage, Byte stores that need attention, Byte Stores with out-of-stock pars, Product Performance, and Store Performance. 


 Sales Data Overview 

Gain a quick snapshot of how your Byte store sales are doing on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis by selecting the green tile in the upper right corner and picking a time frame. Once a value is selected, the data on the summary page will update to the corresponding values and all charts/tables will update accordingly to reflect the data you wish to see. 

The following sales data types displayed on the summary page are as follows:

Sales by $ amount, Sales by (qty), Sales by Category, Credit Card Sales ($), top Byte stores total sales (qty), Total Sales (qty)

Sales ($): dollar amount in sales since the prior period 

Sales (qty): number of items sold since the prior period 

Sales by Category: shows you the number of food items sold by menu category (this is a great way to help determine your most popular food items and supply the demand!) 

Credit Card Sales ($): a detailed overview of credit card sales that displays hour by hour (last 12 hours) and dollar amount 

Top Stores Total Sales (qty): this will display the top 5 stores with the highest number in sales by quantity

NOTE: if you have under 5 stores, all of your stores will still appear here and display accordingly in the chart. 

Total Sales (qty): a line graph that shows total sales in dollar amount from the last 12 hours 

Byte Stores with Out of Stock PARS

This section displays Byte stores and time since last restock line by line, as well as the product and average weekly sales for that product. See the example in the screenshot below. 



Top Sellers and Product Performance 

View how well a product is doing by scrolling down to Top Sellers on the Summary Page. Top Sellers will display the top 3 most bought items and display sales in Quantity as well as change in percentage. 


Product Performance

Product Performance: in this section, find a brief overview of each of your products, sales generated for each, food cost (supply), spoilage ($), margin ($), and any discounts ($) associated with the product. 



Spoilage Data

Keeping track of spoilage is just as important as keeping track of sales. At the top of the summary page, you can view Spoilage ($) in dollar amount for all stores since prior period. You can also view this data at the store or product level by scrolling down to Store Performance or Product Performance.


Select the green tile in the upper right corner to filter out spoilage by the options below. All categories in this section will update to the selected filter. 


NOTE: To REFRESH the Summary Page, select the arrows appearing in a circular motion in the top right corner as shown in the picture above. 


Byte Stores That Need Attention

This displays all of your Byte stores, corresponding addresses, health, and the date and time of the stores; last heartbeat. This overview provides a quick and efficient way to view all of your Byte stores' health in one snapshot.  



How did we do?

Stores that Need Attention
